A Bicycle Race. - Oakland Tribune, February 20, 1886
A Bicycle Race.
There will be a fifty-mile race between five members of the Bay City Wheelmen and five of the Highland Club boys on February 22d, the course being from Gilroy to Menlo Park. The prize is a club bugle, to be awarded the club whose representative wins the race. Thursday, W. J. Bowman, Jerome Churchill and J. Blinn, of the Highland Club, were in this section making a fifty-mile road run. The course is from San Leandro, up the Hayward road, to the Lewelling road, to San Lorenzo; thence down the San Lorenzo road, via L. Stone, to starting point, a distance of eight and seven-eighths miles. One run, which was timed, was made in 34 minutes. The run will be an exciting one.
[This is an early, perhaps the first description of the San Leandro triangle course. - MF]