George F. Drake

From Wooljersey


Oakland Bicycle Club

The opening run of the Bay City Wheelmen was a grand success, over seventy wheelmen participating. The line was formed at Van Ness avenue and Market Street at 10 o'clock, with Captain T. E. Richardson in command, accompanied by Captain G. F. Drake of the Oakland Bicycle Club of 1887, with the latter club in the place of honor.


Among those present were: George F. Drake, Harrold J. Gage, A. A. Bouton, L. White, J. F. Revolk, S. K. Irish, G. Iveson; A. C. Lassen, Dr. Cross of Stockton, George Gilson, Dr. Van Norden, S. Small, Charles Bassert, M. Ives, George A. Merrill, A. F. Nye, E. C. Prindle, G. S. Clark, H. E. Albrecht; G. Keil, W. H. R. Brown, R. R. Cook, W. M. Meeker, C. W. Hammer, C. N. Langton, C. A. Howard, R. M. Thompson, George P. Wetmore, R. A. Smyth, Charles Enler, T. V. W. Varney, F. W. Ray, W. E. Thompson, Allan Marshall, Leonard. G. Rowell, E. W. Adams, J. Holroyd, C. Hyde, H. W. Spalding, F. W. Leadbetter, E. C. Landis, Thomas Stevenson, J. Stevens Sperry, L. G. Hodgkins, P. A. Libbey, S. Plummer, F. E. Richardson, Thomas H. Sloane and others.


Reports were read by the chief consul, secretary, treasurer and chairman of the various standing committees, all showing a most favorable condition of affairs in the California division. The chief consul's report reviewed the work of the board of officers for the past year and showed the work outlined for the future. The secretary and treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of nearly $1100, with all debts paid. The reports of the racing board, touring board and Committee on Rights and Privileges were all favorable to the interests of the division. It was decided to hold the annual division meet and tournament in San Jose on July 4th and 5th. The chief consul appointed the following Committee of Arrangements for same: A. C. McKenney, A. C. Wagener and Al Cole of San Jose, Dr. Thomas L. Hill of San Francisco and George F. Drake of Oakland. It was the sense of the meeting to make this meet the grandest bicycle affair ever beld on the coast.


Many plans for the advancement and benefit of the division were proposed by Dr. J. W. Gibson, Dr. Thomas L. Hill, A. C. McKenney, F. R. Cook, R. A. Smyth, Thomas H. Doane, H. Lichtenstein, George F. Drake and others.

Bay City Wheelmen's picnic run to Lake Honda, April 13, 1890, San Francisco

On the evening of July 3d Captains Manning and Drake of the San Francisco and Oakland clubs have agreed to hold a joint run to San Jose, where the annual meet will be held on the Fourth. The night will be moonlight, and it is anticipated that a large number will turn out on account of the double attraction of the meet and the full moon. The run will be continued on to Mount Hamilton on the 5th, and the return probably made by train.

THE WHEEL. - A New Club-House for the San Franciscos. - Sun, Jun 8, 1890 - Page 3 - The San Francisco Call

WHEEL WHIRLS. part 1 WHEEL WHIRLS. part 1 02 Jul 1890, Wed Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)

George F. Drake, one of the first captains of the Oakland Bicycle Club, has rounded up a number of former stars of that organisation, and will bring over quite a delegation of transbay riders. Some of them are too old to do much on a wheel now, but they will join the parade in automobiles and meet their old friends at the stadium.

... Chairman Frank Carroll has lined up a number of old-timers to act as captain of the day. They are Judge Frank Kerrigan of the Bay City Wheelman, James Mullen of the Olympic Club Wheelmen, Jack Kitchen of the Acme Club Wheelmen, Lieutenant Charles Birdsall of the California Cycling Club, George F. Drake of the Oakland Bicycle Club, Joe Desimone of the Garden City Wheelmen, Al Gruneger of the New Century Wheelmen and Ben Woonan of the Santa Rosa Wheelmen.

Bicycle Day, San Francisco and Oakland, Feb 27, 1916