Knock-About Club
San Francisco, CA
- Paul Heehs / P. Hess
- William Purnhagen / W. M. Puhrenhagen
- Ed Sand
- F. W. Schmideke
The Knock-About Club, a new cycling organization, meets every Tuesday evening. Already they have a considerable membership, and the meetings and runs of the club are enthusiastically attended.
THE WHEELMEN. - The San Francisco Call, 17 Feb 1895
Knockabout Election.
The Knockabout Club elected the following officers Wednesday night: K. Earhardt, president; Joseph Baldwin, vice-president; A. F. Mason, secretary: F. W. Schmideke, treasurer; C. B. Gilmore, historian; executive committee - M. J. Fairfield, John Unsworth and Robert Morris. The officers of the bicycle annex will be: F. W. Schmideke, captain; Paul Heehs, first lieutenant; William Purnhagen, second lieutenant.
Knockabout Election. - The San Francisco Call, 21 Feb 1895
A new club has been formed in this city known as the Knock-About Outing Club, and is already making great progress. The charter opened November 6, 1894, and it now has a list of over 100 names. The club contains four annexes, yachting, boxing, swimming and cycling. The officers are: President, K. Earhardt; Vice-President, J. D. Baldwin; Secretary. A. F. Mason; Treasurer, F. W. Smedeke; offcers of bicycle annex: Captain, F. W. Smedeke; First Lieutenant, P. Hess: Second Lieutenant, W. M. Puhrenhagen; Third Lieutenant, Ed Sand. Next Sunday the club has a run to Yountville.
CYCLING INFORMATION. - The San Francisco Examiner, 05 Apr 1895