WHEELMEN PLANNING FOR CLUB TOURS - The San Francisco Call - Saturday, October 06, 1900

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President Frank W. Smith of the Bay City Wheelmen has named the following committees to serve the club for the en- suing year:

Membership - Archibald Reid, Austin Kanzee, Fred C. Boeckmann, Frank H. Kerrigan, George B. Stangenberger; house - Dr. E. T. Mervy, Frank Bollo, Herbert W. Welch, Benjamin Raynaud; race - Alex E. J. Nye, Frank Bollo, Fred J. Gillman, Ed Rusac, M. B. Rambo, H. T. Henning.

Alexander E. J. Nye has been elected captain and he has appointed Edwin Rusac first lieutenant and Frank Bollo second lieutenant. It is the intention of the club during the coming riding season to devote a great deal of attention to country runs. One method suggested is to let each of the eleven directors of the club name the destination of a run and have charge of the arrangements. Now that the club has given up racing every effort will be made to make the country rides attractive.

The California Associated Cyclists will revive the annual 10-mile road race which was such a feature of cycling several years ago. It will be held from Fruitvale to Haywards Sunday, October 14. Captain Thomas G. Spillane of the Olympic Wheelmen, chairman of the road racing committee, has the event in charge.

Six members of the California Cycling Club started to make a century run from this city to San Jose and return under seven hours last Sunday and four finished - C. L. Brawn, 6 hours 40 minutes; A. Barnwall, 6:44; E. E. Bergman, 6:53; William Rombach, 7. C. Kristensen and F. Westcott started, but broke down and could not finish within the time limit. This is the first club going for the century under the new time limit of seven hours. It used to be seven and a half hours.

The Bay City Wheelmen will hold a big smoker at their clubhouse, 441 Golden Gate avenue, Saturday evening, October 27. George B. Stangenberger is chairman of the committee of arrangements.

After several years of inactivity, the result of an accident, Colonel Ralph de Clairmont, the pioneer bicycle rider of the Pacific Coast and the second to own a wheel in America, can once more be seen among the ranks of the early morning wheelmen. The colonel is now 70 years of age, but in spite of the weight of time on his back is quite a notable figure on account of his erect seat and skillful management of his iron horse.